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Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Suspendisse lacinia diam quis neque lobortis cursus. Fusce quis ligula aliquet, tempor ex ut, volutpat turpis. Ut orci diam, iaculis a pulvinar ut, posuere sit amet neque.
Are you beginning to notice things that hadn't caught your eye initially?
Notice the colour,
Are there any characters?
If so, how many?
How do you feel looking at this card that represents your past?
Are you surprised by it in any way?
Was it the first card that had caught your attention, or had you considered another one?
So, now I invite you to select the next card, your PRESENT card.
Take a deep breath as you begin to connect with this image.
Again, notice what comes up for you. How do you feel as you look at this image
REALLY look at the picture and its content. Remember, your subconscious mind selected this card as a visual representation of how you are, or what your life holds at this present moment in time.Notice any physical response you may have, any sensations of tension, release, anxiety, peace and if so, where in your body they are. This is without judgement, it is just for you to notice, nobody else. The image on each of the cards that were available to you are open to interpretation by the individual. No two people will view a single card in the same way. It will be symbolic of the communication with yourself. With this understanding of non-judgement, allow yourself to have that 'conversation' with yourself. Silently, tell yourself what you see.
Remember to keep breathing deeply
As with the previous cards, take a moment to notice what the image holds.
Is the future a positive one?
Is the future a challenging one?
Have that conversation with your inner self, explaining what the image contains
Notice any emotional or physical reactions and connections that are coming up for you, if any.
Take your time and continue to breath.
Now, click on the Show all icon, to invite you to view all three cards together.
What is it like to see them together?
Is there a theme running throughout or contrasts?
Do you have a different emotional or physical response as you see them together?
Do they make 'sense' to you? Are you surprised by what you initially selected and yet now do you feel they were the 'right' cards after all? It's important to take the time to reflect on this exercise, considering the points raised as you looked at your images.
Etiam finibus egestas odio, eget accumsan risus imperdiet a. Morbi in sagittis nisl. Donec eget purus lacinia, vehicula libero vel, euismod odio. Nullam quis felis at lacus vestibulum dapibus. In hac habitasse platea dictumst. Duis quis tempus orci. Nulla facilisi. Nulla eu accumsan mauris.
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